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As leaves turn, art blossoms

Fall is an exciting time for artists, not only because of the beautiful colors that suddenly start appearing everywhere, but also because Fall marks the beginning of a new art season. Fall art show registrations arrive in your maibox, Christmas gift commission inquiries start appearing and excitement about art classes seems to take off. 

"Autumn Walk" is a painting I've recently been teaching students to create. The original is for sale.

My students did a great job on this painting!

"Autumn Walk" is a little more complicated than most two-hour "art and wine" painting sessions, but the response has been great! Many of these students have never painted before, so it's always rewarding when they leave the class with something they are proud of creating. 

The first adult art class I taught was in my hometown during a recent reunion.

My first career was in public relations, and I was often asked to speak at conferences across the country. I taught graduate courses in Organizational Communications as an adjunct professor at the University of Mary for several years, and I also occasionally taught art to elementary students. I still hear from former students about how much they enjoyed my classes or lectures. Not too long ago, I heard from a former elementary art student, now all grown up, that he still has the piece he created in my class when he was in fifth grade! These days I am teaching adults what I have learned in my winding road to launch my second career as an artist. It's a lot of fun!The

Fall Jewels, 20x20 acrylic, $1000.

There are many more exciting things cooking in my studio for the next few months. Three commissions are going on my easel, and I recently completed an interview that I'll be able to share with you soon. I also have a huge project in the works for the Christmas season. Stay tuned for more details!

If you are interested in the original "Autumn Walk" or "Fall Jewels," please contact me at Inquiries on classes or commissions can also be made through that email address. Prints and other products are available at If you know someone who would also enjoy this newsletter, please feel free to forward it to them. 

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