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The adventure begins

Welcome to my art blog! I'm excited to be starting the next chapter of my life -- as an artist! I've been wanting to say those words for a long time. Now I finally have the time and opportunity to follow the calling that has been pulling me in that direction my whole life. I've always been an artist, but made my living focusing on my talents as a writer in the PR world, while using my artistic eye as an editor of communications vehicles of all shapes and sizes. In my scarce spare time, between raising a family of five and my career pursuits, I would dig my paints out and work on a painting. But it was hit or miss -- months, sometimes years, between paintings.

Then I had foot surgery, and I had a few weeks at home to recuperate. I decided to get my paints out and started painting with a vengeance. It all came back -- and then some! The artistic flame was rekindled, and I knew what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it.

So here I am today, launching a new professional website, taking the big step to offer my paintings and prints for sale. I hope you like them. There are many more in my head, waiting to get out onto the canvas!

Laid up after foot surgery (you can see the bootie over the cast on my elevated foot), I got back into painting while I was recuperating. I was hooked and ready to start my next career.

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